Chungis Cheaparoni


What To Expect


Lots of Savings

So Many Savings


New Approach to Life


The Legend Behind the Man

While many have heard of Chungis, few know where he comes from.  Like most success stories, it started with a humble beginning.  The Cheaparoni family grew up in rural Indiana with a limited income generated by Chongis’, his father, poor music abilities.  His daytime bar shows usually had more raccoons then people.  His mom, Abigail, sold savory pies in an attempt to contribute, but they were never that good and so her contribution was negligible.  Due to the Cheaparoni family’s limited abilities they had to resort to other means to make the most out of their money.  Those means were making big savings on purchases.  For years they practiced how to get the best deals, and during that time they developed a wealth of knowledge unknown to anyone else.   For the first time ever, Chungis is bringing that knowledge to you.

Savings Video

This one time video will teach you to save money on basic essentials. Window cleaner, bread, one wipe charlies, you name it. Chungis has all the secrets to save a few bucks on these products.

Car Buying Tricks

Car buying can be incredibly stressful. Most people likely feel ripped off by snakey used car salesmen. Chungis is going to help you fight back with this 2 part video series. Expected savings is around $1-2k. Stick it to the man!

Home Buying Tricks

Buying homes can be tough. Chungis would know, he has eight of them. Capitalize on the savings passed down by his family across one generation. With the savings learned from this video you too will have 8 homes one day! Expected savings are $8-10k

Want To Speak to Chungis?

Who wouldn't? Get the best tips in the savings industry by contacting the man himself at one of his contact methods below.

(555) 555-5555

76 Fifth Av. New York, NY 10153